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Writer's pictureAdam Townsend

Build my steed!

Whilst having a tool that can show bike specific parts compatibility will be of great benefit to the cycling industry and bike riders alike, we always knew the true power behind Bike Matrix would be allowing riders to customise their bike. Sure, plenty of us are seeking out like for like replacement components, but some of the real fun of owning a bike can come with customising it to your style, spec'ing it with brands you love and fitting it out with components that suit your needs. What this means though, is that the stock compatibility relationships for your bike are effectively thrown out the window! It's no longer a matter of working out what fits a certain bike model, but keeping track of what fits YOUR bike. It is important to understand that many riders dream up the build of changing major components and then get stuck working out how to achieve it. As components change, relationships change, and compatibility standards can become vastly different from the original. How do you know which variant of a product to use, or which interconnecting part is required to make this new component work with your bike? In order to retain bike harmony, we envision our app allowing riders to select their bike and then swap out components, or build a bike from a frame-up, to create a custom bike. This custom bike is then given a specific ID which can be recalled on any site that is subscribed to Bike Matrix.

Due to our data mapping and compatibility logic, the compatibility standards that are used to determine product 'suggestions' are determined from this custom bike, rather than the stock or original bike, so you can go shopping for parts that are compatible with your custom bike.

We're even working on a solution to allow this to occur after you place a major component in your cart. Virtually swap a fork and then go shopping for the right headset for your frame, or swap to a new set of cranks and go shopping for the bottom bracket you need to make it work. Whilst you dream up your custom bike, Bike Matrix is dreaming up the future of bike parts compatibility.

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